6 Pest Control Myths – That You Should Know

If you are on the internet looking for pest control tips and techniques, it is wise to first apprise yourself with some of the top myths in the industry.

These myths can cause a lot of harm by either making you think you don’t really have a problem, when you do, or that you can handle it on your own, when you (sometimes) cannot.

Thanks to the internet and social media, there’s even more harmful pest control advice than ever before. To help put some of these misconceptions to rest, here are the 6 most common pest control myths.

Myth #1 – You would see pests if you had a pest problem.

This is a very reprehensible myth and knowing it is a myth probably frightens most people reading this as surely they do not see many pests running around their homes.

If they are there, where are they?

Well, pests are great at hiding, which is part of the reason they usually go completely unseen. The worst part is that the pests that are hard to see or spot tend to be the toughest to eliminate. Read more about how to spot the signs of pests. When you do see the signs, it’s time to take action instantly.

Myth #2 – Bed bugs only live in dirty homes.

When most of us envision bed bugs, we picture them crawling about an unsanitary home, day and night. This, in fact, is not always the case, as the pests can and will inhabit any space so long as they can find warmth and an available source of food.

Whether it’s a sparkling-clean, five-star hotel or a dirty apartment building, the bugs are not picky about their lodging.

Myth #3 – Pet cats are effective at rodent pest control.

This does not hold true of well-fed cats. With enough access to good food, cats often lose their motivation to hunt. Cats that are well taken care of tend to just play around with the mice if they catch them – if they catch them at all.

Myth #4 – Ultrasonic repellents are effective.

Ultrasonic devices are designed to use ultra-high frequency sound waves to drive pests away. It seems like a great idea, but the problem is that manufacturers of these products have yet to support their claims with scientific evidence.

Myth #5 – Clean homes do not have pests.

It’s easier to understand with bed bugs. Since they are quite small and their food source is blood, a cluttered, dirty house is not relevant.

With the theme of “food source available” we can also extend this to other pests, like cockroaches, ants, and rats. The fact of the matter is: they can survive in spotlessly clean homes, just as long as they have any kind of food source!

The only reason a dirty household would be more susceptible to a pest infestation would be due to clutter hiding early warning signs of a pest control problem. Therefore, in the dirty versus clean debate, the most important point is to eliminate all possible food sources.

Myth #6 – You can usually get rid of pests on your own.

Knowing when to call in the professionals is essential. Hardware stores can be a good place start for simple pest control issues, but in many cases these retail remedies do not work and can even make the problem worse. If you notice that your pest problem is getting worse, it’s time to call a pest control company

6 Pest Control Myths – That You Should Know
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